Sunday, May 9, 2010

Still working on getting things done

Tonight, I've been searching the internet for a headstone for Ashley. My favorite is this one....

It seems to represent her inner spirit and the hurt and pain she endured. My goal is to find the strength to get this done. It has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do next to the funeral. This mother's day has been bittersweet and I made it through somehow without breaking down. I did feel like I was on auto pilot most of the day. The next month will be very emotional but worth it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ashley lives on!

The past month has been a whirl of calls from people asking about Ashley's life and wanting to remember her. As her mother, this really warms my heart and lets me know she will always be with us in spirit.
I talked to Cindy in Dallas tonight and decided to book a trip to go to the fundraiser that she has created to raise money for EOS. Her son is going to create a movie about Ashley's life and her name will be on the tee boxes of 2 holes on the golf course. My heart does little skips as I think about how life has turned out and those who have kept me going. Just the little nudges and hugs from friends and family always gives me the confidence that I need to know that I can make it another day.
I am still waiting for the KC Star reporter to call me about the newspaper article. He has been out of town for a week and will be out another week. Everything takes time so I am not in any hurry.
Always take time to smell the roses along your way!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Another Suprise

Another suprise this morning. I got up early and there was a message from Zeke, a boy with EE. He wants to make Wednesdy of Eosinophilia Week a day in memory of Ashley. I was so touched. Tonight, I will send him photos of her for his video. I also booked a trip to Dallas in 3 weeks so I can meet him and thank him for his kindness and thoughtfulness.

At least I know she will never be forgotten!!!!